Top 5 Reasons I Love Lego + a Giveaway (& can someone please open a Lego Franchise Around Here?)

(Make sure to hang around to the end so you can enter the Lego Giveaway!)

You know you are a lego mom if you’ve ever had to retrieve a lego from a child’s nose.  No joke.

 Not once.  Not twice.  But three times.  And one of those times we legit thought we were going to have to take Little Miss to the ER.  But Daddy did his own surgery with tweezers and the trip to the ER was halted.  Little Miss finally got the message that Legos don’t belong inside the body.

Legos consume my home.  My antique bookshelves that line my living room hold books and Lego creations made by my son.  He carefully places them on the shelves the same way a hunter hangs a set of antlers on their wall.   They are his prizes.

There is also LegoLand, Lego Franchise, and all sorts of Lego camps.

But by gracious Legos are expensive!  Little Man only asked for Legos this past Christmas and his last Birthday.  He asked and he received.  Thankfully Santa Claus, his grandparents and his aunts/uncles aided his addiction.  Now I have the entire set of Jurassic Park created in Legos parked alongside my Jane Austen collection on the book shelf.  It’s a great juxtaposition.

And his G-Momma is an experienced yard-sale pursuer.  So he got this stash from her one day.  Yep, I did bleach them first.  What a haul!  The entire bathtub was full.

I’ve even started a Lego Christmas Village tradition.  This way when my little man is a grown-up I’ll have his creations decorate my home in a gingerbread house fashion.   The sets for these are precious.    I plan on adding to the collection each year.

So why do I support this habit?

Because the educational value that Lego offers is legendary.

Here are the top five reasons I love that my son (and now daughter) play with legos.

1). Foster STEM skills–  Legos are hands-on-learning at it’s finest.  The benefits of Lego play is research-backed, too.

2).  Promotes Spatial Skills & Literacy– Hello…my son (six) can already put together a project that requires following the directions of a 100 page booklet of instructions all by himself.  No help from mom (not that I could help him).

3).  Promotes Creativity– A bucket of legos is a sculpture or architectural monument in the making.  I truly believe creativity is the base for success in so many occupations–including STEM jobs and entrepreneurship.

4).  Promotes Patience– Anyone who can build for hours on end with tiny blocks is practicing the skill of patience.

5).  Builds Perseverance–  That 100-page booklet I mentioned earlier?  Yeah…that is full-on perseverance right there.

So I am willing to overlook the blocks spilled over my house and make the investment in these building materials because Lego helps my child in ways other toys don’t.  Play-based learning turns children’s minds-on.  & that is a good thing.


The prize is a Lego brick set of the Snapology Mascot Sebastian Gator (age recommendation 6+).  It will be shipped directly to your home.  To Win?  Comment below and tell me if you’ve ever visited a lego franchise, legoland, or if your house is overflowing with these blocks! Tag a picture of your Lego induced home on my FB social media for an extra-entry.  I’ll announce a winner around April 12th.

*this giveaway is partnered with Nakturnal*

About Sarah

Sarah Philpott, Ph.D, is the author of the award-winning book: Loved Baby: 31 Devotions Helping You Grieve and Cherish Your Child After Pregnancy Loss. Her newest release is The Growing Season: A Year of Down-on-the-Farm Devotions. Sarah lives in the south on a cattle farm where she raises her four mischievous children and is farm wife to her high-school sweetheart. Sarah is founder of the Loved Baby support group and #HonorAllMoms Mother's Day movement. These days Sarah happily chooses to be a stay-at-home mom and spends her days cleaning up peanut butter & jelly off the counter, dreaming of traveling the world, and chasing her children around the farm. She doesn't believe in sharing desserts. Life is too short to share chocolate! Sarah is a lover of coffee (black), rocking chairs, the outdoors, and Hemingway.

21 thoughts on “Top 5 Reasons I Love Lego + a Giveaway (& can someone please open a Lego Franchise Around Here?)

  1. My three boys Love Legos! My boys have not put them up their noses, but I’m the mom that will cut the vacuum cleaner bag open once it is full and dig through all the grossness to find their favorite Legos that I vacuumed up over the last month! And it’s always their favorite ones no matter how hard we look before I vacuum!

  2. We LOVE Lego in our home! So far none in noses, though many have been in mouths… But they are everywhere, all the time. We’re going to Legoland for the first time in 4 weeks!! I think us parents are just as excited as the kids.

  3. Ha! Could’ve written this myself! We have passes to Legoland and are there at least monthly (2hr drive!). Truth?
    I am soooo not a Lego gal. No spatial relationship skills or patience, but my six-year-old putting together those 10-14 year sets and being sooo proud? Worth it!
    Mindstorm, here we come! 😂😂😂

    1. It must be phenomenal for a 2 hr drive twice a month. I’ll definitely add this to our upcoming plans as a place to visit.

  4. My grandson loves Legos! It is so much fun watching him build his creations. Way to go Mom’s and Dad’s who encourage their children to use their minds in a creative electronic-free way.

  5. Legos, Legos, Legos! I love legos! I do own a card to to one of those lego stores. I happen to be down visiting Marc and Cathy and went to the big Lego store and got legos for my classroom and of course, for your little man! We used to play for hours with the legos that Grandmomma Tucker had that were Uncle Andy’s. Tucker played with legos a lot and so did Perry. I love the original creations that kids make. I enjoyed the story. I knew which kid had stuck the lego up her nose before I even read the story! LOL!

  6. We have been overrun with Lego for years now. All three of my kiddos are into them… one of which is a girl, so we have the Lego Friends variety as well. My kids would love to go to Lego Land and have been begging to go to the Lego Store in Chicago for awhile now. We hope to take them there soon. I like that Legos have been a great source of interactive and creative play even with a bit of an age range (my kids are 12, 9, & 6).

  7. Yes!! We love Legos for all of the reasons you mentioned! We had quite an immaculate collection of Lego creations until little brother was old enough to destroy them all 😩 So now we just rebuild new creations!!

  8. We love Legos! Luke’s room is full of them! We have never been to Legoland but would love to!

  9. My little guy likes to keep his hands and mind busy all the time! I’m sure he would love a LEGO farm for all his tractors!

  10. We are still in the Duplo phase of Legos, but my boys love them! They have a ton of really cool sets thanks to our families. My 5 year old is definitely ready for regular Legos, but we just haven’t taken the plunge to purchase any yet! We’ve also never been to any of the Lego places, but hope to in the future!

  11. My son loves Lego! It keeps him occupied for hours! We went to Legoland in California last Spring for spring break and my kids keep saying they want to go back!

  12. We have been to Legoland in Carlsbad, CA. My son loved it. Me, not so much. I’m Lego’d out, but he loves them so I hope I win this for him!

  13. My oldest (who will be five at the end of April) loves Legos with every ounce of her little being. Our only struggle is keeping them out of the mouths of the other two tiny people here!

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