Welcome 2022

Giddy at the start of each year? Me too!  There is so much promise, hope, & reflection. I love turning the page to a new year on the calendar.

Yes, I still have a paper planner. I love writing in the calendar boxes and crossing out items from my daily, weekly, and “get to it one day” to-do list.

Today’s to-do list was totally blank. I let the day lead me.

My morning hours ended up being spent by taking down the Christmas lights from our porch and packing up most of our indoor decorations. Then we helped my husband work cattle. As in “help” I mean I watched and our kids did the helping.

How did you spend the first day of 2022?

As we all make our intentions and goals for the year I want to challenge you to DO SOME PRUNING as well as PLANTING.

Usually our resolutions tend to add to our year; however we also need to prune a bit as well. Resolve to let some things go. Clip a few things from your life that aren’t bearing fruit or are causing too much stress in your life (which is causing you not to bloom your brightest.)

For example, I am going to try to cut-out my mindless social media scrolling. I certainly love looking at pictures from my friends and family. But my personality (enneagram five) tends to also make me chase every. single. rabbit. hole. of new information.  Example? Here you go….I watch a reel on how to blow-dry my hair. This leads me to research the  hair product mentioned. The product is endorsed by a celebrity. Hmm….where is that celebrity now? Wow, you mean she is now 50?!? What movie was she in?……….and my google search continues. Before I know it I’ve spent 10 minutes thinking about something that has no relevance to my real life.

Does this happen to you?

So I’m going to prune a bit in the realm of social media by trying to make my time on the platforms more mindful.

What would you like to prune? It might be not signing back up for a board position. Maybe you are overwhelmed caretaking for a family member and might need to take a pause from cooking made from scratch meals each night. Or perhaps you should step aside from an obligation in which your passion has waned.. It’s okay to make changes in your life. It’s okay to prune.

So what are you going to PLANT, CULTIVATE, & PRUNE in your life?

Head over to my FB page and let me know. This year we are going to read through The Growing Season: A Year of Down-on-the-Farm Devotions together.

Learn more about the reading club here.

I’d love for you to gather with us! 




About Sarah

Sarah Philpott, Ph.D, is the author of the award-winning book: Loved Baby: 31 Devotions Helping You Grieve and Cherish Your Child After Pregnancy Loss. Her newest release is The Growing Season: A Year of Down-on-the-Farm Devotions. Sarah lives in the south on a cattle farm where she raises her four mischievous children and is farm wife to her high-school sweetheart. Sarah is founder of the Loved Baby support group and #HonorAllMoms Mother's Day movement. These days Sarah happily chooses to be a stay-at-home mom and spends her days cleaning up peanut butter & jelly off the counter, dreaming of traveling the world, and chasing her children around the farm. She doesn't believe in sharing desserts. Life is too short to share chocolate! Sarah is a lover of coffee (black), rocking chairs, the outdoors, and Hemingway.

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