I didn’t take my daughter to her Valentine Party last Thursday. CONFESSION…it wasn’t because she was sick; it was due to a straight up case of procrastination by this here mama.
In my defense, I’d pinned some really swell ideas for V-Day treats. It was the follow-through that got me. I failed to purchase any of the supplies. I’d even lost the paper with all her classmates names. (If you want to know more about my fun mothering inadequacies click here.)
I remembered the party the night before the party. It was phenomenal planning on my part, right? You’ve been there too…you know it!
I adore her school & am so pleased they celebrate holidays. But at this point in the game it all seemed too overwhelming- the task of taking two kids into Walmart. She needed Valentines to take, food to contribute to the party, & a token of love for the teachers (who we absolveutely LOVE). There was no way I was letting her go empty-handed.
Last year my husband had been in charge of treats for my son’s class. As a result, little man handed out Easter Peeps at a Valentine Party. It’s clear that Cupid’s Day is not our strong point.
Back to the dilemma:
I started panicking over my two remaining options.
Sleep with a side trip to play land > Crazy Busy
As a disclaimer: She’s two and goes to a parent’s day out program one day a week so it’s not like it was a super big deal, however mama guilt invaded my mind. Voices started singing in my head that I was a bad seed for not making my daughter’s class cute/witty Valentines and a homemade treat.
Thankfully, Alli Worthington’s voice was the loudest.
I’d started reading Breaking Busy the day before my “ditch the V-Day party” decision and had been shouting amen with each sentence.
Alli, mother of FIVE BOYS, wife, and executive of Propel Women has a thing or two to teach us all about taming the beast of busy.
She’s also really funny & practical.
Allie invites us to slow down so we can follow our God-given purpose in life.
Did you know rest is actually Biblical? Jesus slept. Jesus retreated. Jesus didn’t do everything for everyone. Hallelujah. Sweet Jesus isn’t this freeing?!?
One of my favorite strategies in the book (which helped me erase the mama guilt) was the 10-10-10 strategy.
In 10 years Little Miss & her class will have no idea she missed her party. I’ll look back and laugh.
In 10 months Little Miss & her class will have no idea she missed her party. I’ll look back and laugh.
In 10 minutes this mama’s level of stress will decline & mood will improve because I don’t have to deal with the consequence of my procrastination. The entire family will be happier. Next year I will remember to buy supplies in advance (ahem…maybe).
Alli has coached top-execs of Fortune 500 companies & has appeared on the Today show for her no-nonsense approach to living. I highly suggest you allow her to take up room on your nightstand or Kindle. Especially if you are caught up in the cycle of crazy busy. She’s a modern-day prophetess of calm.
You Can Click Here to Read Chapter One of Breaking Busy
Are you ready to break busy?
THE GIVEAWAY (*giveaway closed)
I am thrilled to be able to offer a copy of Breaking Busy to one of my readers.
To enter, just follow the prompts on the giveaway widget below.
(HINT: You can enter this giveaway more than once!)
I have been compensated by Zondervan for my honest review of Breaking Busy.
Amazon Synopsis of Breaking Busy:
“Have you ever felt like a fraud or failure as you struggle to find balance in life? Do you find yourself juggling everything in mediocrity and feeling like you’re succeeding at very little? In her no-nonsense way, Alli Worthington tackles the big questions about finding happiness and one’s God-given purpose.
Breaking Busy marries p
opular secular research with solid biblical principles, instilling confidence that you, too, can move from crazy busy to confident calm. With refreshing candor, uproarious true stories, and a Christian worldview, Alli delivers truths that dismantle common happiness myths. Then she empowers you to get unstuck, to let go of the good to make way for the great, to know yourself and your Creator, and ultimately to find peace and purpose in this world of crazy.
You will:
- Learn how to stop chasing what leaves you empty and start doing what you were created to do.
- Identify the common lies you believe and how to strip their power from your life.
- Recognize how what you say no to determines what you can say yes to.
With relatable anecdotes, Alli models real-life guidance on boundaries, relationships, and self-care, humbly examining her own mistakes and walking through how she learned from her missteps and found peace in a world of busyness.
If you long to find real connection with both your loved ones and your Creator, Alli Worthington deftly balances intelligent humility and heartwarming humor to help you rediscover your path.”